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    Проект "Миллионер"

    19 июня 2007 г. на встрече в Оттаве компания объявила об открытии проекта "Миллионер" в рамках программы DTP.

    Это потрясающий подарок всем нам! Это еще одна возможность для увеличения Вашего дохода!
    Как это работает?

    Если у Вас есть 5 лично приглашенных  под одно место, то в дальнейшем, Вы начинаете зарабатывать ДЕНЬГИ за закрытие бриллиантовых столов по структуре до 10-го уровня включительно. Причём всё наоборот от сетевого маркетинга! Чем дальше от Вас уровень, тем больше сумма вознаграждения! 1 балл = 1 цент.(амер)

    Итак, за каждый бриллиант, который получили на почте участники Вашей структуры, Вам начисляют баллы, которые Вы переводите в деньги и отправляете себе на карту или превращаете в купоны, обналичивая в доход!

      1 уровень -   100баллов  (это 1 доллар)
       2 уровень -   200 баллов (это 2 доллара)
       3 уровень -   300 баллов (это 3 доллара)
       4 уровень -   500 баллов (это 5 долларов)
       5 уровень -   700 баллов (это 7 долларов)
       6 уровень -   800 баллов (это 8 долларов)
       7 уровень - 1000  баллов (это 10 долларов)
       8 уровень - 1500 баллов (это 15 долларов)
       9 уровень - 2000 баллов (это 20 долларов)
      10 уровень -2500 баллов (это 25 долларов)

    Вот представьте себе, сколько там на 10 уровне у Вас становится людей, которых Вы не знаете, но которые все получают и получают товар компании - бриллианты. И за каждый из них Вам капают денежки!

    И это даже, если Вы ничего не делаете!!!

    Где видны эти бонусы?
    Нажмите на кнопку "PROJECT  MILLIONAIRE" в верхней правой части Вашего электронного кабинета DTP.

    Как превратить бонусы в реальные деньги?
    Очень просто: через покупку бриллиантового депозита у компании и продажу депозита новому участнику программы или обмен на реальные деньги ($100 = 10000 бонусов). Причем, это автоматически без участия менеджера.


    Многие из вас уже имеют структуры, которые могут дать каждому очень хороший дополнительный доход. При условии, что Вы постепенно войдете в проект "Миллионер", т.е. у Вас будет 5 лично приглашенных по $520 (или $1000) под одно место.
    Желаю всем стать участниками проекта "Миллионер"!


    Hello my name is J Waterman Director of research and development for Canadian Diamond Traders. I have some very Exciting News.
    Project Millionaire is in full effect!
    Now everyone has the opportunity to become a millionaire. Let me take a moment to explain the reason for creating this system. The DTP has always been geared towards helping the small guy. That's why we have the freebee system the revolving system and many other things in place to ensure success. However the small guy has been successful many times because the leaders are carrying them on their backs. I thought it was time for the leaders to get their fair share. So we are going to give
    more to the leaders, without decreasing the marketing fees earned by everyone else.
    Now you may want to take a seat before you listen to the rest of this.
    1) Diamond Traders market our diamonds as usual. The only difference is now they have amazing tools that do the work for them.
    2) I'm talking about the Marketing DVD, which is now available at the CDT Store. They are only 4 dollars in quantities; we're basically giving them away.
    3) Did you see the new templates for your replicated site? This site is so powerful I bought diamonds from myself.
    4) The bottom line is with the 6 new launches it's going to be easy for you to market our diamonds and qualify for project millionaire.
    5) Now with that being said this is how project millionaire works.
    6) Every time a sale is completed in the Main DTP, qualified leaders will receive diamond points from Candiamonds Inc.
    7) You will receive a different amount of points based on the level the sale was derived from in your downline.
    8) At the Ottawa presentation I asked the audience, with these amazing tools, how many sales should the average person achieve, the feedback was from 2 to 100. Then I asked how long the average person should take to achieve those sales. And the feedback was 1 day to 6 months.
    9) So we created a chart below, which shows how many points, they would accumulate being more conservative than the inspired audience.
    10) Well that extremely conservative example would give you over 4 million points which converts to over $40,000 in 10 months not including any $3500 marketing fees you may earn in-between. Now what if you start with 5 sales you play with the #s and do the calculation.
    11) We have structured this unlike other compensation plans to give you more points where it counts.
    12) Here is how to be more successful. Remember you earn points anytime someone purchases a diamond thought the main DTP. This is weather the pay up front with the DTP Plus or weather they pay the balance after cycling out or anywhere in-between. So to get your points faster make sure your team goes with the DTP Plus. This is what we call a Win Win Win Win situation.
    a. Win 1 You got your points
    b. Win 2 they get to choose and receive their diamond right away value up front!
    c. Win 3 they now have one of the best marketing tools+their diamond
    d. Win 4 we get to sell a diamond
    13) Also remember to teach and inspire your team to teach and inspire their team because you get the big points down at the bottom levels. So if they are successful, then you are successful.
    14) Here's the bottom line. Over 100 Billion dollars of diamonds were sold in the retail market last year. How many of those people do you think would prefer to get them for half the retail price? Is that a big enough market for you?
    15) How many people do you know that would like a real money making vehicle that actually works. Is that a big enough market?
    16) Can you show them a DVD?
    17) Can you refer them to your awesome replicated website?
    18) Then you can be a millionaire too. All I have to say is Think It Speak It DO IT.
    19) That sums it up for Project Millionaire PART 1. Ha Ha Ha
    d . For more information on Project Millionaire Click Here, or click the "Project M" button in your back office.
    Points Per Sale
    Total Points
    Redeem For Cash $41,800
    This Chart is based on a conservative estimate of he inspired audience at Diamonds & Dreams.
    Q- Why is the value of the DTP diamond changed?
    A- Due to the launch of Project Millionaire, our IDT's have more of an opportunity to make money; in turn the guarantee on the value of diamonds had to be adjusted to meet the Project Millionaire plan. As of Monday July 2nd 2007 all DTP diamonds are guaranteed to be a minimum of $2000 USD.
    Q- If I have already built a big team, can I earn points from them?
    A- Yes, if they have NOT completed the purchase of their diamond yet, and they pay for the balance of their diamond, you will receive points at that time. Also if they cycle out, they will automatically pay for the balance of their diamond and at that time the sale is completed and you will earn points.
    Q- Do I have to be qualified to earn points?
    A- Yes, you must be Active and qualified with 5 direct sales in the main DTP to earn points.
    Q- If I have 5 qualified UserIDs can I earn points on all 5?
    A- Yes each UserID is dealt with on an individual basis.
    Q- What can I do with these points?
    A- You can redeem them for any products and services at the CDT Store or you can redeem your points for CASH.

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